Your baby's visit to the Audiology Clinic

Information for parents from the Newborn Hearing Screening Service

We have determined that your baby needs more hearing tests. This is because either:

It is important that your baby comes to their appointment at the clinic. The younger your baby is, the more settled they will be during their test. This will help the audiologist provide you with better information about your baby’s hearing.

What will happen at my baby’s appointment?

An audiologist will see your baby in a hospital clinic. An audiologist is a healthcare professional who specialises in hearing tests. They will explain the tests and answer any questions that you may have.

You will stay with your baby at all times during their hearing test. You may find it helpful to bring another adult with you to help with your baby’s needs during their appointment.

What hearing tests will my baby have?

Your baby will have an otoacoustic emission (OAE) test or an auditory brainstem response (ABR) test. The audiologist will use the OAE or the ABR, or both tests.

Why is it better if my baby is asleep for the procedure?

It is easier to perform the ABR test when your baby is asleep. When they are asleep there is little or no interference due to the movement of their arms and legs. As most babies of this age sleep most of the day, we do not foresee any problems with your baby settling to sleep.

What should I bring to our appointment?

Will the tests be uncomfortable?

No, these tests are not uncomfortable for your baby.

How long will we be in hospital for?

The test will usually take at least one hour to complete, if an ABR test is done as well. This includes time to settle your baby to sleep. If your baby is unsettled or more testing is needed, it might not be possible to complete the test on the day. If this happens, the audiologist will arrange another appointment for the test to be completed.

When will we receive the results?

The audiologist will give you the result and what it means, once the test is completed. For some, this is at the first appointment, for others, it may be at their second or third appointment.

Following the appointment, a letter is sent to you, your GP, your baby’s health visitor, and other professionals if indicated.

Can I bring other children with me to the appointment?

The hearing test is done in a quiet environment. If you are bringing other children to the appointment, please also bring someone to look after those children in the waiting area during your baby’s hearing test.

What if I have any questions or concerns about the test?

Please contact either the Audiology Department or the Newborn Hearing Screening Team if you have any questions, concerns, or issues with your appointment.