The Kent Centre for Pain Medicine and Neuromodulation: Psychological services and pain management

Information for patients

You have been referred to the psychology team at the Pain Management Clinic at The Kent Centre for Pain Medicine and Neuromodulation as an outpatient. The purpose of this leaflet is to provide some information about this service and what will happen when you attend. If you have any questions, please speak to your GP or other relevant healthcare professional.

Psychological services and pain management

Your clinician may ask you to see a member of the psychology team. This is not because the pain is “all in your head” or because your pain is not real. The clinician that referred you to this team will explain why it is important for you to receive support from the psychology team.

The psychology team are not psychiatrists. Psychiatrists are doctors able to prescribe medication, and diagnose and treat mental illness. The Psychological Services team do not prescribe medication, their job is to support you by assessing your needs, listening, and offering help and advice about managing your pain.

Why might it help me if I speak to a member of the psychology team?

Psychological services for chronic pain cannot offer a cure for your pain but psychologists in the pain management team can help you with the following.

What will happen during my sessions?

Are the sessions confidential?

What if I need to cancel my appointment?

If you cannot attend one of your appointments, please phone and tell us. Please give us at least 48 hours notice, so we can offer your appointment to another patient. If you need to cancel or change your appointment more than once, we will not be able to offer you a further appointment.

If you do not attend for your appointment and do not cancel it beforehand, we will have to return your referral to your GP. You will then need to see them and ask to be referred again.

What is the Pain Management Programme?

The Pain Management Programme is a group programme which brings together people who have chronic pain. The group meets one morning a week for four weeks, at a location in the community. You will be referred to a group nearest to your home.

The purpose of the group is to help people with chronic pain to meet together and explore a number of issues. Each session is run by a member of the chronic pain clinical team and covers such things as medication, sleep, mood, relaxation, and exercise. The group is a supportive and positive environment for chronic pain sufferers.

Further information

If you have any concerns regarding the information in this leaflet, please phone the Pain Clinic.

Kent Centre for Pain Medicine and Neuromodulation (direct lines)

Useful information

For further information on chronic pain and its treatment options, please go to the East Kent Hospitals Chronic Pain web page.