The Kent Centre for Pain Medicine and Neuromodulation: Discharge advice and information following your pain procedure

Information for patients

For the next 24 hours you should:

If you have had sedation you should:

What should I expect after my procedure?

Will I need a follow-up appointment?

We do not routinely follow everyone up after a procedure. However, if your consultant considers you need a follow-up telephone call, a telephone appointment will be made for a nurse to call you approximately six to eight weeks after your procedure. You will be told by letter of the date and time for the appointment after your procedure.

The nurse will need to know how much your pain has been reduced, for example:

Pain has gone 100% - 75% - 50% - 25% - 0% Pain not changed

The nurse will also need to know how long any pain relief from this procedure lasted, for example:

The nurse will ask if your stiffness or mobility has improved, and if your medication use has changed in any way.

During your telephone appointment, the nurse will review the outcome of your procedure and discuss a plan for what happens next in regard to any future treatment.

Post Injection Pain Diary

Below is a Pain Diary that you may find helpful to complete in the time following your procedure. If you are sent an appointment for a follow-up telephone call it will help you in answering the nurse’s questions.


What if I have any concerns or problems when I return home?

If you have unusual symptoms within the first 72 hours after your procedure, such as fever, severe headache, new symptoms of pins and needles, new muscle weakness in your arms and legs, or you are very concerned about how you feel after your procedure, please contact the Day Surgery Unit, Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm. Outside of these hours, you should contact your GP or NHS 111.

Day Surgery (direct lines)

Kent Centre for Pain Medicine and Neuromodulation (admin office direct lines)

Useful information

For further information on chronic pain and its treatment options, go to the East Kent Hospitals' Chronic Pain web page.