Taking an impression (mould) of your ear
Information for patients from the Audiology Department
You need an impression (mould) taken of your ear, for either:
your hearing aid(s)
swim moulds, or
filtered attenuator (noise reduction) ear plugs.
This leaflet explains how these moulds are taken. If you have any questions after reading the leaflet, please speak to the audiologist at your appointment.
Please see your appointment letter for where to come when you arrive at the hospital.
How do I prepare for my appointment?
Please make an appointment to see your GP at least two weeks before your hospital visit if:
you feel you may have too much wax in your ear, or
an ear infection.
Your ear impression procedure may not be carried out if you have either.
What will happen at my ear impression appointment?
When you arrive at the hospital, you will be taken into a treatment room.

The audiologist will examine both of your ears with an otoscope. An otoscope is a small hand-held device that illuminates (throws light on) your ear canal and ear drum.
To perform this test, a small tip is placed just into the entrance of your ear canal.
Taking the impression involves inserting a soft foam stopper into your ear canal. Your ear is then filled-up with a smooth paste, which takes approximately five minutes to set. This is not uncomfortable.
The audiologist will then send the mould to the manufacturer, so your hearing aid can be made.
Step 1: inserting the soft foam stopper
Step 2: filling the ear with a smooth paste
Step 3: letting the mould set
Step 4: removing the mould from the ear
What happens after my ear impression is taken?
The Audiology Department will either:
arrange for you to have a hearing aid fitting, or
post the new mould(s) out to you.
How long will my appointment take?
Your appointment will take approximately 30 minutes.
Contact details
Audiology Department
Telephone: 01227 864252 (lines are open 10am to 12 noon and 2pm to 4pm)