Supported self-management for thyroid cancer patients

Information for patients from the Head and Neck / Thyroid Cancer Nursing Team

After discussions with your consultant, you have decided to undertake supported self-management for your five years of thyroid cancer follow-up.


If you have any concerns or worries please call the Cancer Care Line on 01227 868666.

What tests will I have?

At regular intervals, we will ask you to have two blood tests:

The results of these tests could take up to six weeks. If you have not had your results back by then, please contact the Cancer Care Line and ask to speak to one of your cancer team.

You are considered at low risk of recurrence of your thyroid cancer, and your TSH should be kept at 0.3 to 2.0.

Your GP may check your thyroid function as well. They may decide that your Levothyroxine medication needs changing. If you wish to check any changes your GP makes with your cancer team, please contact the Cancer Care Line on 01227 868666. 

Your blood test results

Please complete the following table after you receive your blood test results.

Blood test due Results
6 months Thyroglobulin antibodies Already completed before supported self-management
Thyroglobulin Already completed before supported self-management
TSH Already completed before supported self-management
1 year Thyroglobulin antibodies
18 months Thyroglobulin antibodies
2 years Thyroglobulin antibodies
3 years Thyroglobulin antibodies
4 years Thyroglobulin antibodies
5 years Thyroglobulin antibodies

When will my cancer team contact me?

A member of your cancer team will contact you, if your blood tests show:

What symptoms should I look out for?

Please call us if you have any of the following

Will I still be able to contact the team if I have any concerns?

Yes. You can contact the Head and Neck / Thyroid Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) on the Cancer Care Line number 01227 868666, if you have any concerns or worries to do with your previous thyroid cancer or its treatment.

The Cancer Care Line is open 9am to 5pm, seven days a week. The Clinical Nurse Specialists work Monday to Friday. We will aim to call you back within two working days or sooner.