Spinal anaesthetic for a day operation or procedure: aftercare advice

Information for patients from Day Surgery

You have had a spinal anaesthetic. This means that a small amount of spinal anaesthetic has been injected into the fluid around the base of your spine. This anaesthetic causes a temporary weakness and numbness, which affects your lower body and legs.

How long will it take to wear off?

The effects of this anaesthetic will usually wear off within three to four hours, but it can take longer.

When can I go home?

You will be allowed home after you are able to stand up and walk comfortably. You must also be able to pass urine before you leave hospital.

What should I do when I return home?

When you get home, you should lie down and rest for the rest of the day.

You can return to your normal activities the following day. However, we advise you not to drive or operate any machinery for at least 48 hours after your procedure.

How long do I need to leave the plaster on?

Leave the plaster on for 24 hours, then remove it.

Will I have any side effects from having the anaesthetic?

What if I have any questions or concerns?

If you have any queries, please contact Day Surgery on the numbers below or your GP.