Short Synacthen Test with 17 OH progesterone

Information for parents and carers

You have been given this leaflet as there have been concerns regarding your child having early pubic hair development. If after reading this leaflet you have any further questions, please contact Dolphin Ward on 01227 864052.

What is a Short Synacthen Test with 17 OH progesterone?

This test measures the amount of cortisol your child is able to produce, and their 17 OH progesterone levels.

Why has my child been referred for this test?

Children who have early pubic hair development are generally referred for this test. The test is carried out to rule out a condition (congenital adrenal hyperplasia) where cortisol levels can be lowered and 17 OH progesterone is raised.

The test is needed because sometimes random levels of 17 OH progesterone can be normal, and only rise when the body is producing larger amounts of cortisol.

When we experience physical or emotional stress the pituitary gland in our brain produces a hormone called ACTH. ACTH travels in the bloodstream to the adrenal glands and makes them produce cortisol. The adrenal glands lie just above each kidney. Synacthen is a medicine that has a similar effect to ACTH, stimulating the adrenal gland to make cortisol.

What are the benefits of doing this test?

This test is the best way of completely ruling out a diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

What happens if we decide not to have this test?

If you decide that you do not want your child to have this test, your doctors will have less information available about your child’s cortisol levels, and your child can only be monitored in the clinic.

What happens before my child’s test?

Your child will be given a morning appointment to come to Dolphin Ward at Kent and Canterbury Hospital for their test. They can eat and drink as normal before their test.

If your child is taking hydrocortisone or another oral steroid, please do not give it on the morning of their test.

It is important to talk to your child about their test, explaining it as simply as possible.

What happens on the day of their test?

Are there any side effects to having this test?

Synacthen can cause side effects but this is very unusual. Rarely, synacthen can cause flushing and a feeling of sickness and sleepiness. Very rarely patients may have an allergic reaction with skin irritation, swelling, or wheeziness.

When will the results be available?

Results are usually available one to two weeks after the test. They will be discussed at your child’s next clinic appointment or you will be informed by letter or phone call.

Contact details

If you are unable to come to your appointment or you have any questions or concerns about the test, please contact Dolphin Ward on 01227 864052.