Serial casting: care advice for parents and schools
Information for parents and schools
Parent advice
Your child has just had a plaster placed on one or both of their legs. Please carry out the following after care advice.
Regularly check their toes
Check that they are a pink colour.
Check that they are warm to touch.
Check that they are the normal size and there is no swelling.
Do this two to three times in the evening of the first day, and then once every day following that.
If their toes are swollen, very cold, blue, or very red, remove the plaster as follows:
Soak the plaster and their leg(s) in a bucket of warm water or a bath for five to 10 minutes.
Gradually unwrap the soft-cast and remove the plaster; or
Go to your nearest Emergency Department, so they can help you remove the plaster.
Keep their toes and plaster dry at all times. Avoid mud and puddles at all times.
Do not try to scratch the skin inside their cast. Do not drop anything inside the cast.
Practise the enclosed exercises every day.
School advice
Your pupil’s leg is not broken, but the tendon behind their heels is a little tight. They are having a series of plasters applied to their foot to stretch their tendon. The plasters will be changed every week.
It is very important that your pupil takes weight on their legs as normal, as this is the way the procedure works.
Encourage your pupil to stand and walk as usual.
Carry on with all the normal activities within your pupil’s capabilities, but do not allow the plaster to get wet.
Report any discomfort to their parents and physiotherapist as soon as possible, as the plaster may need to be removed quickly.
Carry out the exercise programme on each day.
Do not let the plaster get wet at all. No playground play if it is wet outside, and if playing at a water tray protect their feet with plastic sheeting.
Contact details
If you have any questions or concerns about the cast or the advice above please contact us.
Physiotherapy Department
Telephone: 01227 783065