
Information for patients having a portacath inserted

This leaflet is not meant to replace the information discussed between you and your doctor, but can act as a starting point for such a discussion or as a useful reminder of the key points.

What is a portacath?

A portacath is a combination of a capsule (portal) and a tube (catheter).

The capsule is normally placed under the skin of the chest wall and below the collar bone.

The tube runs under the skin and enters into a vein in the neck, before passing down the vein. The end of the tube lies near to the entrance of the heart. Access to this tube is through the capsule. The capsule is about the diameter of a 10p piece, but much thicker.

  1. portacath-(4).JPG
    A portacath
  2. portacath-implanted.jpg
    Portacath implanted under the skin of the chest wall
Huber needle being placed for therapy

A special Huber (also known as a gripper) needle can be passed through the skin into the centre of the capsule, through a self-sealing silicone septum. Although the capsule is under the skin it does form a small bump. We need to be able to feel the capsule, so that a needle can be placed into it when you have your therapy.

What are the benefits of a portacath?

Portacaths can be used for taking blood samples and giving drugs, blood products, and intravenous (IV) feed. They are ideal for therapies that are given only every few weeks but over a long period of time. Portacaths can give consistent intravenous access for at least a year.

Patients can still swim if they have a portacath inserted.

How is a portacath inserted? Will it hurt?

A portacath has to be inserted in an aseptic manner to reduce the risk of infection.

The procedure is done in theatre, using both ultrasound and x-ray. We usually use a combination of local anaesthetic (the area is numbed) and sedation. We need to place a small cannula in your vein to give you the sedation. Patients are not normally completely asleep but it is unusual to remember much of the procedure. The most uncomfortable part of the process is usually when the local anaesthetic is injected into your neck and chest wall. This can sting for a few moments until the local anaesthetic starts to work.

During your procedure a small incision (cut) will be made in your neck and a second incision of three to five centimetres in your chest wall. The portacath is flushed with saline near the end of your procedure.

How long will I have to stay in hospital?

You can go home once you are fully awake. However it is important that you do not drive or sign any documents for at least 24 hours, as the sedation takes time to completely clear.

What aftercare is needed?

What are the risks of having a portacath inserted?

What are the possible long-term problems with a portacath?

When will my portacath be removed?

Your portacath can be removed when treatment is no longer needed. Please discuss this with your consultant.

How is my portacath removed?

Removing a portacath is normally much simpler than inserting it. This is usually done using just local anaesthetic, but it can be combined with sedation if needed. An incision is made close to the original chest wall entry site. The capsule is freed up and pulled out along with the tubing. The wound is closed with absorbable sutures and steri-strips.

What if I have any questions or concerns about my portacath?

If you have any concerns about your portacath, please contact the IV Access Nurse Specialist on 07786 976304, Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm.