Perioperative Care for Older People Undergoing Surgery (POPS)

Information and guidance for patients and carers

Perioperative care covers all care:

This leaflet explains more about the POPS Clinic. It outlines the aims of the POPS service and how we work with other healthcare professionals, both in the hospital and in the community, to provide a service for surgical patients of any age.

We are here to help and reassure you during this time. If you or a member of your family have any questions about your treatment or the POPS service, please contact us on 01227 783043 and speak to a member of staff.

What is the POPS Clinic?

POPS is a specialist team. We see patients with a variety of medical problems, who may be having an operation.

The aim of the clinic is to make sure patients are:

You will meet with the POPS team before your surgery.

Who might I see in the POPS Clinic?

The POPS team includes:

Who has referred me to the POPS Clinic?

You may have been referred to POPS by one of the following healthcare professionals.

What do I need to bring to my POPS Clinic appointment?

You should bring the following to your appointment.

What will happen at my clinic appointment?

Your appointment at the POPS Clinic will take approximately one hour. You will be seen by a health care assistant, nurse and / or doctor (a consultant, junior doctor, or both), and possibly, an occupational therapist.

Your assessment may include one or more of the following.

After your assessment we will explain your results and what will happen next. This may include you returning to the hospital at a later date for the specialist tests listed above. Some patients will need to have treatments changed in preparation for their surgery. We will explain the reasons for this to you fully before we ask for your consent to continue with treatment. We will speak to your surgeon, anaesthetist, and your GP about any changes that have been agreed with you. Please remember you can change your mind about your treatment at any time.

A written summary of your clinic assessment will be sent to you, your surgeon, and your GP. This letter will also include information about what you can do to prepare for your surgery. It is important you follow the instructions provided in this letter carefully.

If you have any questions, please contact the POPS team on 01227 783043.

Can I bring a friend or relative to my POPS Clinic appointment?

Yes. It is often helpful to have a friend, relative, or carer come with you to your appointment. If you are coming to your appointment by hospital transport, you will need to tell transport at the time of booking that you are bringing somebody with you.

G4S Patient Transport

If you need to arrange transport to and from your appointment, please call G4S on 08000 960211 (open 24 hours a day).

What will happen after I have my operation?

The POPS team may see you on the ward, where we work together with the surgical teams. They may also look after your medical problems and discharge from hospital.

Contact details

We realise that having an operation can be stressful and confusing. POPS is available to help with any questions you or your family/friends may have. We are available to do this before, during, or after your hospital stay. If we cannot answer your question immediately, we will try to get the information for you soon as possible.

Further information

Our hospital is actively involved in research and education to improve the care we give. During your visit you may be contacted about research projects relevant to you. We collect data about our patients to continually improve our quality of care we provide. Medical students and visiting healthcare professionals may be present during your visit. If you prefer not to see medical students or visitors, please tell a member of staff.

Where do I need to go for my appointment?

Directions to the clinic room

Our clinic room is next to the Urgent Care Centre at Kent and Canterbury Hospital. You can book in at the desk there and we will collect you at your clinic time slot.

Entrance to Urgent Care Centre at Kent and Canterbury Hospital