Medical Retina Imaging Clinic

Information for patients from the Ophthalmology Department

Thank you for coming to your appointment today in the Eye Department.

What happens now?

Your scans and photographs will be checked by a retinal specialist within the next few days, and you will be contacted with the results. This may be by letter or by telephone. Your results will tell you what was seen and any recommendations made by the specialist. A copy of your results letter will be sent to you and your GP.

If needed, a further clinic appointment will be made for you.

What do I need to know about my dilation eye drops?

The eye drops, Tropicamide 1%, are given to you to dilate (open up) your pupils. The following are normal reactions to the dilating drops.

If you have any of the following reactions / symptoms, go to your local Emergency Department or GP immediately

Very rarely, the drops can cause a sudden, dramatic rise in pressure within your eye (known as acute glaucoma), which will need to be treated quickly in an eye unit. The symptoms of this may include: