Introduction to Open Access Follow-Up (OAFU) for Breast Cancer

Information for patients from the Breast Care Team

East Kent Hospitals Breast Open Access Follow-up Team

Cancer Care Line Telephone Number: 01227 868666

This leaflet explains what Open Access Follow-Up is, and what happens next. If after reading this leaflet you have any questions, please speak to a member of the team.

This type of follow-up is not suitable for every patient. However, you may be eligible if you:

Your consultant will discuss this with you.

What is Open Access Follow-Up?

Open Access Follow-Up (OAFU) is a new type of follow-up. It is where routine, clinical examination type appointments are replaced by a system where patients can call us when they have a problem. They do not have to come to hospital at times when they are feeling well and are symptom free.

In the past, patients who had completed their treatment for early breast cancer were seen for follow-up by their consultant team in the hospital. Although some patients found these appointments useful and reassuring, many patients found coming to the hospital a source of great anxiety and not particularly helpful. There is also good evidence to show that following up patients in this way does not prevent cancer returning and does not increase the life expectancy of patients.

With OAFU, your care will remain the same. You will remain under the care of the hospital for at least five years after your treatment has stopped. You will also continue to have mammograms every year, for at least five years. The difference will be, that you no longer have to come into hospital for your breast clinic appointments if:

Why is follow-up changing?

Many hospitals across the country have changed the way patients are followed up after breast cancer treatment. We are moving away from a ‘one size fits all’ approach, towards recognising that you can manage your own health.

We know patients are more likely to pick up a new problem in-between their follow-up appointments. And it can be tempting to put off telling the nurse or doctor about this problem, if your routine appointment is not too far away. With OAFU, we want you to call the Cancer Care Line on 01227 868666 if you have any questions or concerns, and speak to a member of the Breast Care Team.

What happens next?

Once you have completed all your hospital-based treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, and / or radiotherapy) you will be sent:

Will I still be able to access the Breast Care Team if I have any concerns?

Yes. Please call the breast care nurses on the Cancer Care Line number 01227 868666, if you have any queries or problems.

What happens now?

Your Breast Care Team will be in touch once you have completed your hospital-based treatment. If you have any questions or need any further information in the meantime, please contact our Cancer Care Line on 01227 868666.

Further help and support