Instructions for wearing your neoprene CMC thumb splint

Information for patients from the Hand Therapy Service

It is important that you look after your splint. Please read this leaflet carefully, and follow the care advice given. As a Trust we are trying to improve our sustainability, and reduce our carbon footprint and costs to the NHS. If you have any questions, please speak to your therapist.

Your splint

Only to be used by (insert patient name):

Size / Side / Brand:


Name of therapist:

Hospital site:

When can I wear my neoprene thumb splint?

Your thumb splint is designed to support your thumb joints during your daily activities. However if you want you can wear it when resting, for pain relief.

Remember, your splint is for your use only.

How do I clean my splint?

When should I call my therapist?

Always contact your therapist if your splint:

What if I need to replace my splint?

If you need to replace your splint you can buy a replacement from the manufacturer. Please see the label inside your splint for more information.

What if I have any questions or concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your treatment, please call the Hand Therapy Service on 01227 783065.