Information for patients at home who need intravenous therapy through an Acufuser pump

Information for patients from the Hospital at Home Team

What is an Acufuser pump, and what is it used for?

An Acufuser pump is a disposable pump used to deliver intravenous (IV) medication slowly over time. The pump has a hard outer shell, which contains a balloon that holds your IV medication under tension. They are connected via a connection tube to your PICC or Midline.

The balloon exerts pressure on the medication, causing it to flow out into your blood stream. A flow restrictor at the end of the line controls the rate at which the IV drug is administered (given to you). It is a single use pump.

The pump is designed to continuously infuse slowly over 24 hours without you having to do anything. Your Hospital at Home Nurse will visit you each day to assess you and bring you a new pump.

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Things to watch out for

Living with an Acufuser pump

You will be given a bag to carry your pump in. Please aim to keep the pump at the same level as your elbow (with your arm down). Although you can carry on as normal, please avoid any rigorous exercises or movement that may cause your PICC / Midline to dislodge.

You can bathe, but please protect both your pump and your PICC / Midline from getting wet.

Aim to keep the pump at comfortable room temperature. Do not expose the pump to extreme heat or cold, as this will affect how the pump works.

What happens if my Acufuser pump disconnects?

Firstly, do not panic. Clamp your Acufuser pump (see diagram below) then contact the Hospital at Home Team and one of the nurses will advise you.

Diagram of an Acufuser pump

You must follow these instructions or those of the Hospital at Home Team. If you fail to do so, your Acufuser pump may not work properly and your treatment could be affected.

Can I wash my Acufuser pump carrying case?

Yes. This small bag is a reusable accessory, and can be hand washed in a light soapy solution. Please make sure that it is dry before you use it.

Is the pump reusable?

No, the pump should only ever be used once and then be disposed of by your nurse. The Hospital at Home Team will bring a new pump every 24 hours.

Contact details

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Hospital at Home Team on one of the following numbers.

Between 8am and 6pm (after 6pm you can leave a message, which will be picked up the following day).