Inflamed or swollen tendon (tendinopathy and tenosynovitis): aftercare advice

Information for patients from the Emergency Department

Please speak to a healthcare professional before following the advice below

You have come to the Emergency Department or Urgent Treatment Centre with a swollen or inflamed tendon. The following outlines the symptoms you may have, plus possible treatment options. If you have any further questions, please speak to the member of staff treating you.

What is tendinopathy and tenosynovitis?

Tendinopathy and tenosynovitis are types of tendon injury.

A tendon is a fibrous cord that attaches muscle to bone. The inflammation usually happens where a tendon passes over a joint, for example at the wrist, ankle, elbow, or shoulder.

What are the symptoms?

Some types of tendinopathy and tenosynovitis cause very characteristic symptoms and have their own name. For example:

What treatment options are there?

What should I do if it does not get better?

Complete recovery can take weeks to several months. However, if it does not get any better after seven to 10 days, please go to your GP for further advice.