How will my GP and midwife know I have had a miscarriage / ectopic?

Information for women, birthing people, and their families

We understand that losing a pregnancy through either miscarriage or an ectopic, is a very distressing time for women or birthing people and their partners. Our aim is to support you through this stressful time, by providing emotional support and by keeping your GP and midwife informed on your behalf.

How will the hospital let my GP and midwife know about my loss?

What if I have any concerns or need to speak with someone?

If you wish to speak to your midwife about your miscarriage, you can contact them on the numbers given to you at your booking appointment. If you have any questions regarding your pregnancy loss, please feel free to contact one of our Early Pregnancy Assessment Units (contact details below) and speak to one of our specially trained nurses. The Trust has also produced a leaflet for women, birthing people, and their partners Useful contacts following loss of a pregnancy.

I’ve received a letter about a scan, what should I do?

Unfortunately on rare occasions, the notification of miscarriage form sent to your midwife and Ultrasound Department may arrive after a letter or appointment has already been sent out to you. We apologise if you receive such a letter, as we know it can be an upsetting reminder of your pregnancy loss. If you receive a letter, do not go to the appointment, but please contact any of the Early Pregnancy Assessment Units on the numbers listed below and our staff will make sure that all the relevant departments are contacted on your behalf.

Contact details

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the issues raised in this leaflet, please contact either of our Early Pregnancy Assessment Units to discuss your concerns with a nurse.

Early Pregnancy Assessment Units