Hospital at Home Team: Home Ward

Information for patients from the Hospital at Home Team

What does the Hospital at Home Team provide?

The aim of the Hospital at Home Team is to provide acute medical care within your own home (Home Ward). We aim to provide treatment and support whilst monitoring your condition, to allow you to be cared for in the comfort of your own home.

The Hospital at Home Team will provide you with short-term care whilst you remain under the care of East Kent Hospitals.

Who are the Hospital at Home Team?

We are a team of senior nurses, all experienced in acute care in a hospital and community environment.

Why have I been referred to the Hospital at Home Team?

You have been referred to the Hospital at Home Team for IV (intravenous) therapy and / or hospital care, that can be delivered in your home.

Who is responsible for my treatment?

Your GP will be told of your transfer to the Home Ward before you leave hospital. Your doctor will be told of any changes in your condition, and will be involved in your treatment plan.

Whilst under the care of the Home Ward, you will remain a patient of your hospital consultant.

If your condition should deteriorate (get worse) whilst you are at home, you will be referred back to East Kent Hospitals.

What if I need further care after leaving the Home Ward?

If you need ongoing care after your discharge from the Home Ward, we will refer you to the appropriate teams for follow-up care, for example district nurses or community services.


If you do need to call an ambulance, it is very important that you tell them that you are under the care of the Hospital at Home Team. This will allow the ambulance team to decide the most appropriate course of action for you.


If you come back to hospital, please bring any notes / medications with you.

Contact details

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Hospital at Home Team on one of the following numbers.

Between 8am and 6pm (after 6pm you can leave a message, which will be picked up the following day).