High blood pressure (Hypertension)

Information for patients from the Renal Department

This leaflet is not meant to replace the information discussed between you and your doctor, but can act as a starting point for such a discussion or as a useful reminder of the key points.

What is high blood pressure (hypertension) and what causes it?

High blood pressure is one of the most common and preventable causes of premature heart disease, stroke, vascular and kidney disease in the UK. About one in four of all adults and more than half of those over 60 years old are affected.

The cause of high blood pressure is not fully understood in most of those affected, who are often described as having ‘essential hypertension’.

A number of different factors are known to be important. These include:

How is blood pressure measured?

Blood pressure is usually measured using a device called a sphygmomanometer or ‘blood pressure monitor’, where a cuff is put on the upper arm. Some devices measure blood pressure at the wrist, although we do not recommend using these.

When measuring blood pressure, two readings are taken at the same time.

Blood pressure is therefore often presented as ‘systolic / diastolic’ with units ‘millimetres of mercury’ or ‘mmHg’ for short. For example: 140 / 85 mmHg, where 140 is the systolic, and 85 is the diastolic blood pressure.

Although both systolic and diastolic readings have significance, most guidelines and targets for ‘optimal’ blood pressure control now focus on systolic blood pressure (the upper reading).

Why do you recommend that I measure my blood pressure at home?

Home blood pressure monitoring is now recommended for people with hypertension by all major guidelines (such as NICE). It allows us to more fully evaluate your blood pressure, particularly if you are having a ‘virtual’ consultation with us by video or phone.

In addition, around one quarter of people have the ‘white coat effect’, where their blood pressure readings are higher at their GP surgery or hospital clinic than they are at home. For these people home or automated wearable device (‘ambulatory’) blood pressure measurements are very helpful.

What blood pressure monitor should I buy?

It is important that whatever device you are using that it has been validated, in other words its accuracy has been confirmed. A regularly updated list of validated monitors can be found on the British and Irish Hypertension Society web site.

We do not recommend or endorse any particular brand or model of blood pressure monitor, but the monitors listed on the Society web site can be bought from pharmacies or online.

Monitors should be recalibrated or replaced according to manufacturer instructions, usually every two to four years, to make sure that the readings they generate are reliable. Some manufacturers offer recalibration services and we recommend checking individual manufacturers web sites for more information on this.

How should I measure my own blood pressure?

Detailed guidance, including a short film on how to measure your blood pressure, can be found on the Blood Pressure UK web site.

In brief, you should:

In general, we will ask you to take two sets of three readings per day

for either one day or three consecutive days before your appointments and on other selected occasions (for example a few weeks after changing blood pressure medication or medication doses). Occasionally we will ask for readings over five to seven consecutive days.

A sheet for you to record your home blood pressure readings can be found at the end of this leaflet.

How is high blood pressure treated?

Usual treatment for high blood pressure includes lifestyle changes such as reducing salt in your diet, increasing how much you exercise, and losing weight where appropriate, plus blood pressure lowering medications.

Lifestyle changes that are recommended for people with high blood pressure include the following.

For more information on changes to your lifestyle, visit the Blood Pressure UK web site.

Medicines for high blood pressure are made up of three common classes

For more information on blood pressure lowering medicines, visit the Blood Pressure UK web site.

My blood pressure is not controlled, why is that?

Despite treatment, in about half of people taking medication their blood pressure will be higher than desirable. There are a number of possible reasons for this.

If you or your doctor think any of the above apply to you, this can be discussed at your clinic visits.

What is resistant hypertension?

Resistant hypertension generally means blood pressure that remains uncontrolled in someone who is taking at least three or four blood pressure lowering medications at an adequate dose, who has made appropriate changes to their lifestyle (for example salt intake, weight loss), and who has been investigated for underlying causes of high blood pressure. People with resistant hypertension also need to have the ‘white coat effect’ excluded by ambulatory or home blood pressure monitoring.

People with resistant hypertension are more likely to suffer heart disease or stroke, compared to people with controlled blood pressure. Treatment options for people with resistant hypertension include additional blood pressure lowering medications (spironolactone or amiloride) or sometimes enrolment on to clinical trials of novel treatments, such as renal denervation or other device based therapy.

Where can I get more information?

Thank you for taking the time to read this information leaflet. If you have any further questions, please speak to your GP.

Body Mass Index (BMI) Chart

Body Mass Index is calculated by dividing your weight (in kilograms) by your height (in metres) squared.

A chart that calculates your BMI using your weight in kilograms or stones, and your height in feet and inches or centimetres
The Body Mass Index (BMI) Chart
  • A BMI less than 18.5 kg / m2 is underweight.

  • A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 kg / m2 is a healthy weight.

  • A BMI between 25 and 29.9 kg / m2 is overweight.

  • A BMI of 30 kg / m2 or higher is obese (well above the healthy weight range for your height).

  • A BMI of 40 kg / m2 or higher is very obese.
