Head injury advice (inpatient advice from the Falls Team)

Information for patients who have had a head injury whilst in hospital

This factsheet contains information that you and your family or carers may find useful after your head injury. Please keep it in a safe place, in case you need to refer to it later.

If you develop any of the following symptoms, please seek urgent medical advice:

Things you should not worry about

Symptoms which are to be expected after a head injury include:

These symptoms are common and should improve over time, depending on the severity of your injury. If you feel concerned about any of these symptoms you should discuss them with your GP.

General advice after a head injury


Do not

When can I return to my normal activities?


If you have not been given specific advice regarding your return to driving, we would recommend you contact the DVLA before you drive a car, motorbike, or ride a bicycle on the road. Only consider these activities once you feel you have completely recovered from your injury.

Physical activity, including contact sport

Depending on your injuries, you will need to check with the relevant medical teams as to when it would be safe to return to heavy physical activity or contact sports. This advice will vary depending on the extent of your injuries.

Air travel

Some people may find that flying makes their symptoms worse. If you plan to fly within three months of your injury, check with your GP first. This is especially important if you have suffered seizures, bleeding within your brain, or a skull fracture.

What if I have any long-term problems or concerns?

Most patients recover quickly from their injury and have no long-term problems. However, some people may go on to have delayed complications. If you find you are having difficulties, such as problems with your thinking, memory and concentration, or changes in your mood, then please discuss this with your GP.

Will I need a follow-up appointment?

Some patients will also need to be seen in an outpatient clinic several weeks after their head injury. You may receive an appointment for this. This will depend on the severity of your head injury. You will be advised if you need a follow-up before you leave hospital.

Further information

Further information on head injuries is available from Headway, a national charity.

Content reproduced with permission from University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust.