Flexible sigmoidoscopy and gastroscopy

Information for patients from the Trust's Endoscopy Units

This information is for patients who are having an examination of the lower part of their bowel, known as a flexible sigmoidoscopy and a gastroscopy (OGD). It explains what it involves, and any significant risks that there may be.

If you do not come to your appointment without telling the Endoscopy Unit in advance, you may be removed from the waiting list.

Students and trainees, supervised by qualified staff may be involved in your care. If you do not want a student to be present, please tell the endoscopist or nurse in charge.

The time stated is your booking in time not your procedure time. Please tell any friends or relatives coming with you to the hospital.

These tests take 30 to 40 minutes in total, but may take longer if any biopsies or polyps (projections of tissue rather like warts) are removed. Normally you will be able to go home immediately after these procedures, unless you have a sedative injection then you will need to stay for about 45 minutes. Occasionally, if there are emergencies or very complex cases, the start of your test may be delayed. You may be in hospital for up to four hours.

What is a gastroscopy?

Gastroscopy examination
Gastroscopy examination

A gastroscopy is an examination of the inside of your oesophagus (gullet), stomach, and duodenum (the first bend of the small intestine).

A thin, flexible tube approximately the size of a woman’s little finger (a gastroscope) is passed through your mouth into your stomach. The tip of the gastroscope contains a light and a tiny video camera, so that the endoscopist can see inside your gut. This allows them to see what might be causing the symptoms that you are having.

This procedure is sometimes called an endoscopy.

What is a flexible sigmoidoscopy?

Diagram highlighting the large colon or bowel and rectum
Diagram highlighting the large colon or bowel and rectum

A flexible sigmoidoscopy is an examination, which allows the endoscopist to look directly at the lining of the lower part of your bowel.

This is done using a sigmoidoscope (a flexible tube about the thickness of a woman’s index finger). Sometimes a sample (a biopsy) of the lining of your bowel is taken for laboratory examination. If polyps are found they can be removed during the examination.

How do I prepare for my test?

What happens when I arrive at the hospital?

Why do I need to sign a consent form?

All patients must give permission before they receive any type of medical treatment, test, or examination. Consent is usually given when you sign the consent form before your treatment, but we may ask you to give it verbally. 

When we ask you to give consent, please use this time to ask any questions you may still have. For more information, please go to the NHS Consent for Treatment web page. Remember that you can withdraw your consent for treatment at any time.

What does the examination involve?

What happens after my examination?

Going home

If you have had sedation:

If you did not have sedation the above restrictions do not apply to you.

You may have a mild sore throat, but this will pass and is nothing to worry about.

Are there any significant risks?

These tests are very safe, but there are some risks linked to these procedures.

Please talk to your endoscopist before your examination if you have any worries about these risks.

Are there any alternatives to a flexible sigmoidoscopy?

Yes, there is a test called a CT colonoscopy and a barium enema. They both need the same kind of bowel preparation as a colonoscopy but they do not allow the removal of polyps or the taking of biopsies. This means that if we find abnormalities you would probably need a flexible sigmoidoscopy anyway.

Are there any alternatives to a gastroscopy?

You can have a barium swallow and / or barium meal test, which allows us to get x-ray images of the same areas inside your body. But we get better pictures from a gastroscopy and can also take biopsies at the same time, both of which help with your diagnosis.

If we find an abnormality during the barium swallow or barium meal test you would then need to have an gastroscopy to examine or treat it.

Any further questions?

Please phone the Endoscopy Unit. The units are open Monday to Sunday 8am to 6pm.

If you have any questions between 6pm and 8am Monday to Sunday then contact the Emergency Department on:

If you develop any severe pain in your neck, chest, or abdomen within the first 24 hours of your procedure, please phone the Emergency Department (see telephone numbers above).

A short film outlining what patients can expect when coming to hospital for an endoscopy is available on the East Kent Hospitals' YouTube channel.

Our units are regularly inspected and audited; please ask if you want any information about our performance standards. You can also visit the Care Opinion web site.