Expressing colostrum during pregnancy

Information for women and birthing people from the Infant Feeding Team

This leaflet helps pregnant women and birthing people learn how to express colostrum before baby arrives. If after reading this leaflet you still have questions, please speak to your midwife.

What is colostrum? Why is it good for my baby?

The first breast milk your body makes is known as colostrum. It is produced from about 16 weeks of pregnancy. It is usually a golden yellow colour and often very sticky. It is very easy for baby to digest and therefore the perfect first food for baby.

It is concentrated in nutritional properties, so baby will only need small amounts in the early days.

Why are you recommending that I should learn to express colostrum before my baby is born?

Learning how to express colostrum can be a useful skill to learn before your baby is born. It can be very helpful if we think your baby may have challenges:

It is useful for all mothers or birthing people to learn the skill of hand expression. Hand expression:

If you are unexpectedly separated from your baby, they can have access to your milk immediately.

Do I have to learn how to express my colostrum during pregnancy?

It is your choice if you wish to express colostrum during your pregnancy. Learning to express colostrum can be useful in preparation for breastfeeding, but is not essential to ensuring successful breastfeeding.

When should I start learning how to express my colostrum?

We suggest you start learning how to express colostrum after 36 weeks of pregnancy.  

Expressing colostrum by hand is better than using a pump. Only small amounts of colostrum will be produced and this could be lost when using a pump.

How do I express colostrum?

Cup your breast. Use your thumb and the rest of your fingers in a C shape and gently squeeze.
  • Before you begin, wash your hands with soap and hot water, and then dry.

  • It may be useful to massage your breasts before you start to express or try expressing after a warm bath or shower.

  • Cup your breast and place your thumb and finger about 2 to 3cm from the base of your nipple.

  • Use your thumb and the rest of your fingers in a C shape and gently squeeze. Pressure should be firm but not painful.

  • Release the pressure and then repeat again and again. Avoid sliding your fingers over your skin, as this can cause soreness and may damage your skin.

What if expressing the colostrum hurts? Should I stop?

Breasts may feel tender during pregnancy. Collecting colostrum should not make your breasts sore. You may find you need to change the pressure you use or the placement of your fingers for a more comfortable experience. Please speak to your midwife or visit your local breastfeeding group if you need more support.

If you experience painful contractions after you have expressed colostrum, that do not subside after you stop, please contact Maternity Triage on 01227 206737 for help and advice.

Can I collect and store my colostrum?

Collecting and storing colostrum to bring to the hospital can be useful if:

It might be useful for you if you:

What can I collect and store the colostrum in?

How do I store my colostrum to bring to hospital?

Colostrum can be stored for 2 weeks in the ice compartment of a fridge or up to 6 months in a freezer.

Should I bring my colostrum to hospital when I give birth?

Yes. Frozen expressed colostrum can be brought into hospital. It should be placed between ice packs and stored in a cool bag.

Please let a member of staff know you have frozen colostrum when you arrive. The staff member will check it is labelled correctly and sign it in to the freezer for you.  When you are ready to use the colostrum, a member of staff will sign it out of the freezer for you. 

Please remember to take any unused colostrum with you when you leave the hospital. Colostrum left in the freezer after you go home will be disposed of if we cannot contact you. 

How do I give colostrum to my baby safely?

Giving your baby colostrum from a syringe should only be done under guidance from maternity staff. They will make sure you know how to do this safely.

Important safety information

Are there any risks to learning to express colostrum during pregnancy?

Mothers or birthing people should not hand express colostrum if:

Hand expressing before 36 weeks is unlikely to start labour for those who are not at risk of pre-term labour. Some may experience some painless tightening’s, often known as Braxton Hick contractions, this is normal.

Useful information

What if I have any further questions or concerns?

You are welcome to go to a breastfeeding support group during your pregnancy for further information and support. Your local group can be found on the Bedside You web site

Please speak to your midwife if you have any questions, or contact the Infant Feeding Team.