Ear surgery: aftercare advice

Information for patients from Day Surgery

You have had an operation on your ear. This leaflet explains how you should care for your wound when you return home.

When you get home and for the first few days after your surgery

How do I look after my wound once I get home?

I have discharge coming from my ear, is this normal?

Yes. You will have a small amount of discharge come out of your ear but this will settle in a few days. Place clean cotton wool in your ear to absorb this and change the cotton wool regularly. If any packing gets stuck to the cotton wool, use clean scissors to trim the ends. Do not remove the packing.

General advice

When can I return to work?

You should be able to return to work within two weeks of having surgery.

Will I have a follow-up appointment?

Yes. You will have an outpatient appointment to come back to the hospital for your ear to be checked. Your packing will be removed at this appointment.

What if I have any questions or concerns?

If have any sudden hearing loss, severe dizziness, bad smelling or heavy discharge or bleeding through your wick, or severe pain, please contact Rotary Ward on 01233 616261.

If you have any queries, please contact Day Surgery on the numbers below or call your GP.