Dental advice for patients having radiotherapy and chemotherapy for head and neck cancer

Information for patients from the Oral and Maxillofacial Department

The management of your head and neck cancer can involve an operation and / or radiotherapy and / or chemotherapy. The aims of these treatments are to cure or shrink your cancer. Unfortunately, the side effects of this treatment can have long-term effects on your face and mouth. This leaflet will provide you with information about what side effects you may have in the short- and long-term.

If you have any questions about the information in this leaflet or about your treatment, please contact us Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm

Why have I been referred to the Restorative Dental Team?

Before you start your cancer treatment, it is important that you have a dental assessment at the hospital with a consultant in restorative dentistry or a member of their team. This is because the treatment you are going to have causes several effects to your mouth. These include soreness, dryness of the mouth due to reduced saliva, and an increased risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and infections. It is very important that your mouth is as healthy as possible before you start chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

We may need to arrange for you to have some teeth removed before your cancer treatment. We may also need to do some fillings for you either before or after your cancer treatment depending on how urgent it is.

When will I have my dental assessment?

Sometimes you will have your dental assessment after you have already begun chemotherapy, to prevent delay to your cancer treatment. Your dental assessment will be arranged around your chemotherapy schedule, to allow you time to recover before any dental work begins.

What will happen at my dental assessment appointment?

What is an obturator?

If your surgery results in a hole being created in your palate (roof of your mouth), an obturator plate may be used. This is a removable prosthesis (artificial device) that closes the hole in your palate left by your recent cancer operation. Leaving the hole in your palate open will affect your speech and can cause food to escape from your mouth up into your nose during eating and drinking.

An obturator plate

The obturator will improve your speech, air flow, and ability to eat. It will also reduce the chances of you regurgitating your food (bringing your food back up into your mouth).

Your obturator will be reviewed regularly and will need to be remade every so often due to changes in the shape of your mouth after your cancer operation.

How can I protect my teeth during my chemotherapy / radiotherapy treatment?

  1. Box and box of Duraphat 5000ppm fluoride toothpaste
    Duraphat 5000ppm
  2. Five different flavours of GC Tooth Mousse, including strawberry and mint
    GC Tooth Mousse
  3. Bottle of Fluorigard Fluoride Rinse (400ml)
    Alcohol-free fluoride mouthwash

What side effects can I expect during my radiotherapy / chemotherapy?

You should expect some or all of the following side effects during your radiotherapy / chemotherapy treatment.

Please speak with your clinical nurse specialist or oncology team if you have any pain or soreness of your mouth during your treatment. It may not be possible for you to brush your teeth during your cancer treatment because of the discomfort and pain. Do not worry if this is the case.

How can I manage the side effects?

Bottles of Difflam Oral Rinse (300ml) and Chlorhexidine Gluconate (300ml)
Examples of mouthwashes

I am having difficulty eating solid food, what can I do?

The soreness in your mouth can make eating very difficult. Whilst having radiotherapy, it is important that you keep up your strength and you eat plenty of carbohydrate foods (such as pasta, potato, and rice based dishes) to support you through your cancer treatment.

What side effects may I have after my surgery and / or chemotherapy / radiotherapy?

  1. Mouth open 3cm wide before surgery
    Example of how wide you may be able to open your mouth before treatment
  2. Mouth open 1cm wide after surgery
    Example of how wide you may be able to open your mouth after treatment
  3. Jaw exercises with 10 wooden spatulas on top of each other, helping open your jaw further
    Exercise your jaw by placing wooden spatulas between your teeth
Saliva Orthana and Caphosol
Saliva Orthana and Caphosol® mouthwash

Caphosol® mouthwash can be used to help with dry mouth. It contains calcium and phosphate to replenish what is lost in your saliva.

How should I look after my mouth after the radiotherapy and chemotherapy is finished?

Eight different sizes of interdental brushes
Different size interdental brushes
  1. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Smoking increases your risk of developing gum disease and causing tooth loss.

  2. Good oral hygiene will prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Brush your teeth twice a day using a medium tufted toothbrush with a small/medium sized head that can get to all the surfaces of your teeth and gums. A single tufted brush can also help to access your teeth for brushing. Brush your teeth 30 to 60 minutes after each meal, snack, and sugary drink. Do not rinse your mouth after brushing, just spit out the remaining toothpaste.

    We will show you how to use different sized interdental brushes if you have active or previous gum disease. It is very important that you use these brushes twice a day every day as they will help you maintain good oral health and minimise the risk of your gum disease progressing, needing any teeth to be taken out in the future.

  3. Use high concentration fluoride toothpaste twice a day. We will prescribe you with Duraphat 5000ppm toothpaste to begin with. You must see your GP or local dentist to get this toothpaste on repeat prescription for the rest of your life. Your teeth are at a greater risk of dental decay following radiotherapy treatment. This toothpaste will help to protect you against tooth decay. Please make sure no one else at home uses this toothpaste, as it can be harmful if not prescribed specifically for you to use. We recommend you use GC Tooth Mousse first, smeared over your teeth and left in place for five minutes before brushing your teeth with the Duraphat 5000ppm toothpaste.

  4. Visit your local dentist every three months to make sure that your mouth is healthy. We will see you in hospital four months after you complete your radiotherapy treatment for a dental review appointment.

    We will provide any difficult dental treatment you may need but we need you to see your local dentist every three to six months to carry out routine check-ups and dental treatment. You are at high risk of developing dental disease after radiotherapy. Please make sure that you are registered with a local dentist and that you see them regularly because tooth decay can progress very quickly after you have had cancer treatment.

  5. Avoid high sugar snacks and drinks between your meals. Follow the advice of your oncology team and dietician. You may not be aware that fruit juices and fruits have sugar that can cause tooth decay and acid erosion to your teeth. Try to limit sugary foods and drinks to meal times only.

Will I have a follow-up appointment with the Restorative Dental Team?

Yes, after you complete your radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, the Restorative Dental Team will review you again. We will help to rehabilitate your mouth as best as possible and tell your GP and dentist about what treatment you have had.

Summary of products to help your mouth during and after chemotherapy / radiotherapy