Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Information for patients

What is deep vein thrombosis?

Blood flow in a normal vein, compared to the blood flow in a vein with DVT
Blood flow in a normal vein, compared to the blood flow in a vein with DVT

A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot which forms in a deep vein, usually in the leg, but can occur elsewhere in the body.

Deep veins are large blood vessels which return blood to the heart. These veins lay deep within the body and cannot be seen.

What are the symptoms of a DVT?

These will vary according to the size and position of the clot. Not everybody has all of these symptoms but usually you will have some pain, swelling, and discolouration of the area and sometimes it can be hot and sore to touch. Further advice on how to manage these symptoms can be found further on in this leaflet.

What tests will I have in hospital?

What is the treatment of a DVT?

Your body will naturally break down the blood clot, but in order to do this safely you will need to take anticoagulant medication. Anticoagulant medication works to prevent the clot from getting bigger or moving, or from new clots forming.

Anticoagulation may be given as Warfarin tablets, heparin injections, a combination of the two, or more often oral anticoagulant tablets called direct acting anticoagulants (DOAC). All these medications have trade names as well as the generic names used in this leaflet.

You should only be on one anticoagulant, although a few days overlap is necessary if you are changing to Warfarin or Acenocoumarol.

Some patients with a DVT might need other treatments such as support stockings. Some medications such as some oral contraceptive pills may increase the risk of a DVT and might have to be changed.

What are the side effects of anticoagulants?

There are some medications, such as aspirin, clopidogrel, dipyridamole, and ticagrelor which often should not be taken with anticoagulants or be taken with dosage adjustment; your specialist will advise you on this. Some herbal medications and food types also interact with certain anticoagulants; your specialist will advise you on this.

It is important that you make sure the person starting you on an anticoagulant knows all the medications you are taking. You should tell any doctor, dentist, or nurse that you are taking an anticoagulant when you attend with an injury or for a procedure, or if they are prescribing you a new medication.

What will happen if I do not want to take anticoagulants?

You are strongly advised to take the anticoagulants.

If untreated, a DVT can break off and the clot can travel to your lungs where it causes a pulmonary embolism (PE), which can be fatal. Most people who have a DVT and take anticoagulants usually recover without complications.

Do I need to stay in hospital?

Not usually. If you are relatively well with your DVT, you are most likely to be treated as an outpatient.

How long will I be on anticoagulants?

You will need anticoagulant medication for at least six weeks, often up to three months, but sometimes longer. We do not routinely rescan your leg during or after treatment with anticoagulants.

If you are on Rivaroxaban, Apixaban, or heparin injections, you will usually be referred to the anticoagulant outpatients early on in your treatment. The specialist staff at the anticoagulant clinic will confirm the length of your treatment and arrange follow-up as needed. You will be contacted for an appointment within six weeks of your first diagnosis. Please make sure the hospital has your correct contact details, including any changes to your address or phone number.

If taking Warfarin, you will usually be referred to the anticoagulant clinic as an outpatient. The anticoagulant clinic staff will continue to monitor your INR and Warfarin. Once your INR is ‘stable’ (remains at an acceptable level), you will be referred to an anticoagulant clinic closer to your home.

What can I do to help my recovery?

When attending your appointment, please bring a list of your medications with you. You may also be asked to discuss your medical history. It is important that this information is shared with the doctor or nurse who is seeing you so we can safely treat and manage your diagnosis. All information is kept private and confidential.