Critical Care Rehabilitation Exercises

Information for patients from the Critical Care Follow-up and Rehabilitation Team

Due to the prolonged period of inactivity whilst you were ill, your muscles will have lost strength and you likely feel very weak and tired.  Even the simplest tasks may feel difficult. Exercise following critical care treatment will help to improve your quality of life, as well as maximise your physical and emotional well-being.

The following exercises are aimed at improving your upper and lower limb weakness, as well as improving your general fitness.

Warm-up exercises

These exercises should raise your heart beat slightly. You may get slightly out of breath.

Exercise 1

  1. sitting-comfortably.jpg
    Sit comfortably in a chair, with your feet flat on the floor.
  2. rotate-shoulders-backwards.jpg
    Rotate your shoulders backwards 10 times. Relax.
  3. rotate-shoulders-forwards.jpg
    Rotate your shoulders forwards 10 times. Relax.

Exercise 2

  1. sitting-comfortably-1727173861.jpg
    Sit comfortably in a chair, with your feet flat on the floor.
  2. shrug-shoulders-up.jpg
    Shrug your shoulders up to your ears.
  3. sitting-comfortably-1727173983.jpg
    Drop them down. Repeat 10 times. Relax.

Exercise 3

  1. punching-in-front.jpg
    Punch your arms straight out in front on you.
  2. punching-above-head.jpg
    Punch your arms up to the ceiling.
  3. punching-out-to-side.jpg
    Punch out to the side, first left and then right.
  4. punching-downwards.jpg
    Punch down to the floor, between your knees.

Bicep exercises (arm muscles)

These exercises are aimed at improving your arm strength.

Exercise 1

  1. arms-out-in-front.jpg
    Holding a weight in each hand, put your arms out in front of you.
  2. arms-up-to-shoulders.jpg
    Bend your elbows and bring the weights up to your shoulders. Hold for 5 seconds. Return to your starting position.
  3. using-weights-one-at-a-time-(1).jpg
    If you find this exercise hard, you can exercise one arm at a time.
  4. using-weights-one-at-a-time-(2).jpg
    If you find this exercise hard, you can exercise one arm at a time.

Exercise 2

  1. put-weight-down.jpg
    Put one weight on the floor. Place the other weight in your right hand.
  2. weight-at-shoulder.jpg
    Bending your elbow, bring the weight up to your right shoulder.
  3. weight-in-air.jpg
    Reach the weight up to the ceiling.
  4. weight-at-shoulder-1727175870.jpg
    Slowly bring it down to your shoulder.

Rowing exercises

If you have been on a ventilator, you may feel tight across your chest. These exercises aim to get the muscles across the front of your chest moving a little bit, by opening up your chest.

Exercise 1

  1. weights-out-in-front.jpg
    Hold one weight with both hands. Place your arms out in front of you, holding onto your weight.
  2. weights-at-chest.jpg
    Bend your elbows outwards, bringing the weight into your chest.
  3. weights-out-in-front-1727186420.jpg
    Return to your starting position.

Exercise 2

  1. arms-and-weights-by-side.jpg
    Hang your arms down beside your body, holding a weight in each hand.
  2. arms-out-to-side.jpg
    Keeping your arms straight, bring your arms up so they are level with your shoulders. Hold this position for 5 seconds.
  3. arms-and-weights-by-side-1727188263.jpg
    Slowly lower your arms back to your sides. Relax.
  4. arm-and-weight-to-right.jpg
    If you find this exercise hard, you can exercise one arm at a time, first with your right arm.
  5. arm-and-weight-to-left.jpg
    And then with your left arm.

Neck exercises

You may have had a tracheotomy tube in place during your stay on Critical Care. If so, you may find the front of your neck is quite tight. These exercises will help stretch this area.

Exercise 1

Stages of exercise 1 (neck exercises)

Exercise 2

  1. sitting-comfortably-1727187693.jpg
    Sit comfortably in a chair, with your feet flat on the floor.
  2. tilt-head-to-right.jpg
    Slowly drop your right ear to your right shoulder, as far as you can. Keep your shoulder relaxed. Hold for 5 seconds.
  3. sitting-comfortably-1727187701.jpg
    Bring your head back to the centre.
  4. tilt-head-to-left.jpg
    Repeat on the left side. Hold for 5 seconds.
  5. sitting-comfortably-1727187709.jpg
    Bring your head back to the centre.

Trunk exercises

The trunk is a person’s body apart from the head, arms, and legs.

The aim of these exercises is to gently stretch the muscles around your spine and rib cage. These muscles may have become tight after being on the breathing machine.

Exercise 1

  1. arms-across-chest-1727188882.jpg
    Sit straight, and cross your arms over your chest.
  2. rotate-body-to-right.jpg
    Slowly rotate your trunk, turning to the right. Follow with your head. Hold for 5 seconds.
  3. arms-across-chest.jpg
    Return to the centre.
  4. rotate-body-to-left.jpg
    Repeat on the left side.
  5. arms-across-chest-1727188926.jpg
    Return to the centre.

Exercise 2

  1. arms-hanging-down.jpg
    Sit comfortably in a chair, with your feet flat on the floor.
  2. leaning-to-the-left.jpg
    Slowly reach your left arm down your side towards the floor. Try to nearly reach the floor. Hold for 5 seconds.
  3. arms-hanging-down-1727189390.jpg
    Return to the centre.
  4. leaning-to-the-right.jpg
    Repeat on the right side.
  5. arms-hanging-down-1727189442.jpg
    Return to the centre.

Leg exercises

These exercises are aimed at improving your leg strength.

Exercise 1

  1. standing-holding-chair.jpg
    Stand up, and hold on to a surface with both hands, for example the back of a chair or a Zimmer frame.
  2. marching-(1).jpg
    Start marching, lifting your knees as high as you can.
  3. marching-(2).jpg
    Continue this exercise for 2 minutes.

Exercise 2

  1. standing-holding-chair-1727190028.jpg
    Stand up, and hold on to a surface with both hands, for example the back of a chair or a Zimmer frame.
  2. squatting.jpg
    Slowly bend your knees and squat down, go as far as you can. Make sure you keep your back straight during this exercise. Do not lean forwards or backwards.
  3. standing-holding-chair-1727190022.jpg
    Return to a standing position. Continue this exercise for 2 minutes.

Exercise 3

  1. standing-holding-chair-1727345021.jpg
    Stand up, and hold on to a surface with both hands, for example the back of a chair or a Zimmer frame.
  2. standing-on-toes-holding-chair.jpg
    Go up onto your toes. Hold for 5 seconds.
  3. standing-holding-chair-1727345028.jpg
    Return your feet to the ground.

Pelvis and hip exercises

These exercises are aimed at improving the strength of your muscles round your hip and pelvis area.

Exercise 1

  1. standing-holding-chair-with-one-hand.jpg
    Stand up, keeping your back straight. Turn sideways, and hold onto the surface with one hand.
  2. holding-chair-with-sideways-leg-raise-(right)-1727345521.jpg
    Keeping your right leg straight, bring it out to the side. Hold for 5 seconds.
  3. standing-holding-chair-with-one-hand-1727345526.jpg
    Bring your leg back to the centre.
  4. holding-chair-with-sideways-leg-raise-(left)-1727345530.jpg
    Repeat on the other side.
  5. standing-holding-chair-with-one-hand-1727345534.jpg
    Bring your leg back to the centre.

Exercise 2

  1. standing-straight-1727346251.jpg
    Stand up, keeping your back straight. Hold on to a surface with both hands.
  2. leg-out-backwards-(left).jpg
    Keeping your leg straight, bring your leg out behind you. Hold for 5 seconds.
  3. standing-straight-1727346243.jpg
    Bring your leg back to the centre.
  4. leg-out-backwards-(right).jpg
    Repeat on the other side.
  5. standing-straight.jpg
    Bring your leg back to the centre.

Exercise 3

  1. sitting-cross-armed.jpg
    Move forward, so you are sitting on the edge of your chair. Sit straight, and cross your arms over your chest.
  2. leaning-forward-with-arms-crossed.jpg
    Lean forward.
  3. standing-with-arms-crossed.jpg
    Come up to standing.
  4. sitting-cross-armed-1727352773.jpg
    Slowly return to sitting.

Cool-down exercises and stretches

We now need to bring your heart rate down by doing some cool-down exercises and stretches.

Exercise 1

  1. sitting-comfortably-1727353022.jpg
    Sit comfortably in a chair, with your feet flat on the floor.
  2. rotate-shoulders-backwards-1727353028.jpg
    Rotate your shoulders backwards 10 times. Relax.
  3. rotate-shoulders-forwards-1727353031.jpg
    Rotate your shoulders forwards 10 times. Relax.

Exercise 2

  1. shrugging-shoulders.jpg
    Shrug your shoulders up to your ears. Hold for 5 seconds. Keeping your shoulders up, let your arms drop loosely down by your side.
  2. shaking-out-your-arms.jpg
    Drop your shoulders and shake your arms out. Repeat 3 times.

Exercise 3

  1. stretch-arm-across-chest-(left).jpg
    Stretch your arm out across your chest.
  2. stretch-arm-across-chest-(left)-(2).jpg
    Add a little pressure on your elbow, and feel the stretch in your shoulder. Hold for 5 seconds.
  3. stretch-arm-across-chest-(right).jpg
    Drop your arm down and repeat on the other side.
  4. stretch-arm-across-chest-(right)-(2).jpg
    Repeat on both sides 3 times.

Exercise 4

  1. hand-on-left-shoulder-1727354564.jpg
    Place your left hand on your left shoulder, and raise your elbow.
  2. hand-on-left-shoulder-(2)-1727354567.jpg
    Push your elbow back, and stretch your triceps muscle. This is the muscle in the back of your upper arm. Hold for 5 seconds. Relax.
  3. hand-on-right-shoulder-1727354577.jpg
    Place your right hand on your right shoulder, and raise your elbow.
  4. hand-on-right-shoulder-(2)-1727354580.jpg
    Push your elbow back, and stretch your triceps muscle. Hold for 5 seconds. Relax.

Exercise 5

  1. left-leg-out.jpg
    Stretch your left leg out in front of you.
  2. touch-left-foot.jpg
    Stretch your left hand towards your left toes, feeling a stretch in your hamstring muscle. This is the muscle in the back of your thigh. Hold for 5 seconds. Relax.
  3. right-leg-out.jpg
    Stretch your right leg out in front of you.
  4. touch-right-foot.jpg
    Stretch your right hand towards your right toes, feeling a stretch in your hamstring muscle. Hold for 5 seconds. Relax.

Contact details

If you have any concerns or questions about these exercises or your rehabilitation, please contact the Critical Care Rehabilitation Team.