Contraceptive coil insertion at the time of caesarean birth

Information for women, birthing people, and their families

An Intrauterine Device (IUD) and Intrauterine System (IUS), are both commonly known as a ‘coil’. A coil is one of the most effective ways of preventing or delaying a further pregnancy. It is possible to have this fitted at the time of a caesarean birth. It is inserted through the opening in the womb, after the placenta (afterbirth) has been removed.

The Mirena coil in-place in the womb

We advise all women or birthing people to avoid falling pregnant for at least one year after a caesarean birth. This allows the scar to heal before your next pregnancy. One option is to have a long-acting contraceptive coil inserted during your caesarean birth.

Why might this be good?

What else do I need to know?

Do I need a follow-up appointment?

You will need to have a check-up after around six weeks to make sure the coil threads can be seen, and to trim them if needed.

You will be told where to go for this follow-up appointment. This could be in the hospital, local family planning or sexual health clinic, or your GP may be happy to check this for you.

When the coil is placed inside your womb during caesarean birth, there may be a higher chance that the threads will not be seen at your check-up visit. However, if the coil is in the right place, the threads will not affect how the coils works. Removal is not needed.

If the threads cannot be seen clearly at this time, you will need an ultrasound scan to check that the coil is still inside your womb. This is common after any coil insertion. If your check-up is done at your local sexual health clinic or hospital, it may be possible for this scan to be done during the same visit.

If you have any concerns and queries, please contact one of the following:

I’m keen to have this, what should I do next?

If you want to have a coil fitted during your caesarean birth, let your midwife or obstetrician know. There is a quick checklist for you to complete to make sure you understand the method and procedure. The doctor performing your surgery will check this with you again on the day of your operation.  

I’m not sure, where can I find out more about it?

More information is available in the Postnatal Contraception leaflet, which is available from your midwife. Alternatively, more information on contraception can be found on the NHS website.

If you have any further questions, please speak to your midwife or GP.

Before your coil insertion check list

We will aim to insert an IUD / IUS at the time of your caesarean birth, if you wish. It is important that you have read the following information before your surgery. You must be suitable for the procedure on the day you come in. If you have any questions, please speak to your doctor.

Please bring this with you when you come to hospital.