Cervical screening: having a colposcopy

Information for patients from Women's Health

Why do I need a colposcopy?

We have invited you to have a colposcopy because of the result of your cervical screening test (previously called a smear test). This is usually for one of four reasons, which are:

Most people who have a colposcopy do not have cervical cancer.

What is a colposcopy?

A colposcopy is an examination to check whether there are abnormal cells on your cervix, and if so, how serious they are. This is a follow-up to your cervical screening test. Colposcopy usually takes place in an outpatient hospital clinic.

A specialist will take a close look at your cervix using a magnifying lens with a light (a colposcope). They may take a small tissue sample (a biopsy) to check any areas of your cervix which look unusual. If the colposcopy confirms there are abnormal cells on your cervix, you may need to have them removed to help prevent cervical cancer.

Is there anything I can do to prepare for my appointment?

What happens during my appointment?


What happens after my appointment?

Most people feel well enough to go about their day-to-day activities straight away, but some may need to go home and rest for a while. You may have some brownish discharge from your vagina from the liquids that were used during your colposcopy.

For the next few days, you may have some light bleeding from your vagina, especially if you have had a biopsy. This is normal and usually stops after three to five days. It is best to avoid sex, using tampons, and any vaginal medications, lubricants, or creams until the bleeding stops.

When will I get my results?

The nurse or doctor may be able to tell you what they have found straight away. If you have had a biopsy taken, it will need to be checked in the laboratory. If this happens, you will get your results by post about four weeks later.

What is the treatment for removing abnormal cells on the cervix?

The usual treatment for high grade abnormal cells is to remove them, taking care not to damage the healthy parts of the cervix. The treatment most often used to remove abnormal cells is LLETZ (large loop excision of the transformation zone). For more information about LLETZ, please ask a member of staff for a copy of the Trust’s LLETZ leaflet.

People sometimes need to come back for another colposcopy to have treatment, but often it is possible to remove the abnormal cells during your first colposcopy.

If you need to come back for treatment this will also be in an outpatient clinic. We usually use a local anaesthetic for the treatment, so you will be awake but will not feel any pain.

After treatment we will invite you to have a cervical screening test sooner than usual to check that the treatment was successful.

If you are pregnant, we will be able to remove the abnormal cells after you give birth. You should talk to the nurse or doctor about when it is best for you to have this done.

What are the risks to having this treatment?

Although it is an effective way of preventing cervical cancer, treatment has some risks.

There is a risk of infection from having abnormal cells removed. Signs of infection that you need to see your GP about are:

Having abnormal cells removed may affect any future pregnancies you have. Women who get pregnant after having abnormal cells removed are not at increased risk of having their baby early if they undergo standard treatment. However if more cervical tissue needs to be removed, women are slightly more likely to have their baby one to two months early. This may affect around 16 in 100 women (16%) who have had this more extensive treatment and then have a baby.

Not everyone who has abnormal cells removed would have gone on to develop cervical cancer. We offer treatment to everyone with serious abnormal cells because it is not possible to tell who will and who will not develop cervical cancer.

What are the symptoms of cervical cancer?

Cancer can start to develop between your regular screening tests. It is important to look out for anything that is unusual for you, especially:

If you have any of these changes, please see your GP as soon as possible. Usually these symptoms will not mean you have cancer. But if you are found to have cancer, getting it diagnosed and treated early can mean you are more likely to survive.

What happens to my tissue samples after my colposcopy?

Your tissue samples will be kept by the laboratory for at least 10 years. Your colposcopy results may be seen by staff who work elsewhere in the health service, so that they can make sure the service is as good as possible and to improve the skills of specialist staff.

What if I need more information and support?

For more information, you can:

This leaflet has been produced with the acknowledgement of NHS England.

Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

More information

The NHS Screening Programmes use personal information from your NHS records to invite you for screening at the right time. Public Health England also uses your information to ensure you receive high quality care and to improve the screening programmes. Find out more about how your information is used and protected, and your options.  

Find out more about how to opt out of screening.

Public Health England (PHE) created this information on behalf of the NHS.