Caring for your soft bite raising appliance (BRA): advice sheet

Information for patients from the Oral and Maxillofacial Department

A bite raising appliance (BRA) is a long-term treatment that can be used to protect your teeth if you grind / clench your teeth (which can cause damage), or to relieve pressure caused by tension in your jaw (temporomandibular joint or TMJ).

This advice sheet explains how you should look after and clean your bite raiser. If after reading this leaflet you have any further questions, please speak to a member of staff in the department.

What is a bite raising appliance?

The bite raiser is made from soft vinyl and usually fits over your lower teeth. It is designed to stop your upper and lower teeth from touching when you close your mouth.

What should I do when I first get my bite raiser?

When you receive your bite raiser we recommend you do the following.

How do I look after my bite raiser?

How do I clean my bite raiser?

Where should I keep my bite raiser?

What are the possible risks and side effects?

What happens if I lose or damage my bite raiser?

If you damage or break your appliance, please speak to a member of hospital staff about a replacement. Depending on the type of bite raiser you use and how long you have had it, there may be a charge for a new one.

When will my bite raiser be checked, to see if it still fits?

Always bring your bite raiser to your dental appointments, so your dentist can check if it still fits well.

What if I have any questions or concerns about my bite raiser?

If you have any questions, please ask a member of staff and we will be more than happy to help.