Cardiac intervention

Information for patients from the East Kent Cardiac Catheter Suites (EKCCS)

You are coming into hospital for an angioplasty and stent procedure (PCI). This leaflet will explain:

Further information is available from your local heart support group. Also the British Heart Foundation has a series of booklets, which are available from your cardiac rehabilitation nurse or in the Cardiac Catheter Suite.

Why do I need an angioplasty?

Your heart muscle is supplied with oxygen by blood being pumped into your coronary arteries. If these arteries narrow, your heart becomes starved of oxygen. This causes pain in your chest, called angina.

Angina usually occurs when the heart muscles’ need for oxygen increases. This can happen when you are exercising or during stressful situations. However, for some people, angina occurs even when they are resting. This suggests that their arteries may be more severely affected.

Many people who have angina are treated with tablets and / or GTN spray. However, some people continue to have symptoms despite taking several different types of drugs. They may be unable to carry out normal daily activities because of their chest pain.

Angioplasty is one option for treating this condition.

What is an angioplasty?

During the procedure your narrowed arteries are opened, so that blood can flow more easily to your heart muscle.

A fine plastic tube (sheath) is passed into the artery in the wrist or groin. Through this sheath a catheter will be passed up to the heart.

The procedure is called a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). It is performed in a cardiac catheter lab, using x-ray screening.

  • A fine plastic tube (called a sheath) is passed into the artery via a small puncture hole in the groin or a small cut in the wrist. This will be done under local anaesthetic (the area is numbed but you are awake).

    The wrist is the most common site used for this procedure.

A guiding catheter passed through the sheath. A guide wire passed down the artery, through the narrowing. A small balloon is inflated, widening the artery. A coronary stent being used to support the artery wall.

What is a coronary stent?

This is a small metal mesh tube which is inserted into an artery, at the site of a narrowing. It forms an internal scaffolding, or support, to the artery. The stent is mounted on a balloon and positioned by inflating the balloon. This expands the stent and pushes it up the artery wall. When the balloon is deflated the stent remains in place.

In the four weeks following insertion of the stent, a thin film of cells will grow over the framework. This will line the wall of the artery like a skin. Until this has occurred, there is a risk of blood sticking to the stent, forming a clot. To reduce the chances of this happening, you will be prescribed aspirin and clopidogrel.

Some stents also contain a drug to reduce the number of times clot formation happens.

What should I do before I arrive for my procedure?

What will happen when I arrive on the ward?

Soon after you arrive, a nurse will get some details from you and take a blood sample. A small intravenous tube called a cannula is placed in your arm or hand. This is in case you need any medication during your procedure.

What happens during my procedure?

During your procedure the x-ray equipment will, at times, be brought very close to you. Sometimes it may be necessary to rest your arms above your head and turn your head to the left and right.

Whilst the balloon is being inflated you may feel discomfort in your chest (angina). If this happens, please tell the doctor and nurses straight away. This is due to the balloon causing a temporary blockage to the blood flow through the artery. This is normal.

How long does the procedure take?

The procedure can take 30 minutes to 3 hours. It will depend on the complexity and number of narrowings in your coronary arteries.

What happens when I return to the ward?

Methods for preventing bleeding on removal of the sheath:

Your doctor will decide which method is best for you. Please discuss this and any other questions you may have, when you sign your consent form before your procedure.

Why do I need to sign a consent form?

All patients must give permission before they receive any type of medical treatment, test, or examination. Consent is usually given when you sign the consent form before your treatment, but we may ask you to give it verbally.

When we ask you to give consent, please use this time to ask any questions you may still have. For more information, please go to the NHS Consent for Treatment web page. Remember, you can withdraw your consent for treatment at any time.

How do I look after my wound?

When can I return home?

These procedures are usually done as day cases. If there were any complications or your discharge is delayed, you may need to stay in hospital overnight.

You must not drive yourself home. You must not drive for a week after your procedure.

Remember that everyone is different and you will recover at your own rate.

Will I need a follow-up appointment?

Yes. You will have a follow-up appointment with your local cardiologist. The hospital will send the details of this appointment to your home address. It is helpful to write down any questions which you may have before this appointment.

A cardiac rehabilitation nurse may also follow you up at home.

Will I go home with medication?

If needed, we will give you a supply of medicines to take home. Your nurse will explain them to you.

If you had a stent inserted, we may prescribe you a tablet called clopidogrel (Plavix). This medication will help prevent blockages building up in your new stent. Please check with your nurse to find out how long you need to take this medication for. If you were already taking clopidogrel you may need to continue taking it for the long-term.

When can I resume my normal activities?

Will I experience chest pain after discharge from hospital?

What are the benefits of the procedure?

This procedure is simpler and the recovery a lot shorter, than if you have a coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG). A CABG involves opening up your chest wall.

The aim is to improve your quality of life by removing or reducing the number of angina attacks.

Are there risks to the procedure?

Most patients have no problems with this procedure, but we need to outline some possible risks. Your doctor will discuss these with you before you sign your consent form.

The risks of needing emergency cardiac surgery as a result of cardiac angioplasty (PCI) are approximately one in 500. Whilst EKCCS provides an out-of-hours on-call service, we are not able to provide cardiac surgery within this Trust. In the unlikely event of you needing emergency cardiac surgery, we will transfer you to St Thomas’ or King’s College Hospital in London. They provide us with a comprehensive surgical back up service.

EKCCS is assessed and approved by the British Cardiac Interventional Society (BCIS) to perform cardiac angioplasty. If you feel, for any reason, that you do not wish to have your PCI at EKCCS, this would in no way compromise your treatment or medical care. The choice remains entirely with you.

Please remember that the majority of procedures are performed without any major complications. But it is important that you realise that this is not a risk free procedure.

Further information

If you have any further questions, please contact either: