Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

Information for patients from the Audiology Department

You have been added to the BPPV register by the surgical audiology department, as you have shown signs of BPPV. The following leaflet aims to answer some of your questions about the condition, but if you have any further concerns please speak to a member of clinical staff.

What is BPPV?

BPPV is a condition of the inner ear. It is a common cause of intense dizziness (vertigo), especially in older people.

What are the symptoms?

BPPV causes short episodes of intense dizziness (vertigo) when you move your head in certain directions. Vertigo is the feeling that you or your surroundings are moving.

You have been referred by your GP to the ear nose and throat (ENT) consultant who has performed a Dix Hall Pike manoeuvre. This has been followed by an Epley Manoeuvre to the ear affected by BPPV.

What causes BPPV?

How is BPPV treated?

In many cases the condition gets better on its own after several weeks. However, if this does not happen a simple treatment of moving the head into various positions over a few minutes can cure the condition in many cases. This treatment is called the Epley Manoeuvre.

Surgery is extremely rare, as in most cases the condition either improves by itself or can be cured by the Epley Manoeuvre.

What is the Epley Manoeuvre?

This is a simple cure that may be tried by your doctor. This is done by a series of four movements of your head. After each movement, your head is held in the same place for around 30 seconds. The treatment uses gravity to move the tiny fragments away from where they are causing problems. Moving your head in this way causes the otoconia fragments to move and settle where they will cause no further symptoms.

Steps of the Epley Manoeuvre described below
Source: Chicago Dizziness and Hearing

Will using the Epley Manoeuvre cure my BPPV?

Some studies report that the Epley Manoeuvre is successful in stopping symptoms in about eight in 10 cases (80%) with just one treatment.

If the first treatment does not work, there is still a good chance that it will work in a repeated treatment session, a week or so later. If symptoms return at a later date, the Manoeuvre can be repeated.

Can I drive with BPPV? Can I continue to work and / or play sport during active phases of BPPV?

What if my symptoms return?

Should your symptoms return please contact the Audiology Department and we will arrange an appointment for a senior audiologist to see you in clinic.