Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury

Information for patients from the Physiotherapy Department

This booklet belongs to: _____________________________________________________

Your trauma and orthopaedic consultant / surgeon is: ____________________________

Your physiotherapist is: _____________________________________________________

My personal goals that I want to return to (for example running and football). Please explain why you want to achieve this goal.

Goal 1: __________________________________________________________________



Goal 2: __________________________________________________________________



Goal 3: __________________________________________________________________



This booklet is designed to help you after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury.

Depending on how bad your injury is, you may have options as to how your ACL injury is managed and whether surgery is needed. This decision will be made by you with advice from your surgeon, knee specialist, and physiotherapist. The options are:

You should follow the advice in this booklet with the guidance from your physiotherapist. It is your responsibility to complete the exercises described in this booklet depending on whether you have had surgery or not. The exercises will help your knee to recover, regain movement, and build muscle strength, within the appropriate time frame. The time frames given are average guidelines and it is important to remember that everyone will progress at different rates.


What is the ACL?

The knee is made up of two joints: one between the thigh bone (femur) and the shin bone (tibia), and one between the femur and knee cap (patella). The knee is also made up of lots of muscles, ligaments, and cartilage. Muscles and cartilage help the knee to move, while ligaments provide most of the stability of the knee.

A normal anterior cruciate ligament, compared to a torn anterior cruciate ligament
A normal anterior cruciate ligament, compared to a torn anterior cruciate ligament

The ACL is a tough band of tissue that runs diagonally within the knee. It helps to prevent forward movement and twisting of the tibia (shin bone) on the femur (thigh bone). Also with the help of your muscles, it provides most of the knee’s stability.

The other main function of the ACL is to provide your brain with information about your knee’s movement and your balance. This is called ‘proprioception’ and happens mostly without us knowing.

What can cause an ACL injury?

An ACL injury happens when the ACL is torn (ruptured), or stretched beyond its normal ability (partial tear or sprain). This usually happens during sport, most commonly due to a twisting of the knee. An injury can also be caused by suddenly stopping or changing direction, or if you bump into someone.

To start with, this can cause your knee to swell, be difficult to move, and painful to walk on. After this, as the stability of your knee is reduced it might feel unstable or give way.

Can an ACL injury cause other problems?

When you injured your ACL, you may have also injured other parts of your knee. The most common injuries are listed below.

How is an ACL injury diagnosed?

In order to diagnose ACL injury, your surgeon or knee specialist will talk to you about the history of your injury, examine your knee, and arrange for scans to be taken. Most patients with an ACL injury will have an x-ray at the time of their injury, but their diagnosis will be confirmed with an MRI scan. This will usually be organised by a surgeon or knee specialist rather than the Emergency Department team. Your surgeon or knee specialist will explain any associated injury and what the next steps are.

Will I need ACL reconstructive (ACLR) surgery?

The body cannot repair a fully ruptured ACL, but not everyone with a ruptured ACL needs to have ACL reconstructive surgery. This is because some people’s injured knee will not keep ‘giving way’ or have instability issues, or you might be happy to make changes to your activities to stop this from happening, or you have not significantly damaged any other areas of your knee.

You can choose to have ACL reconstructive surgery or choose not to have surgery (conservative management). Decisions about your ACL injury management should be made jointly with your surgeon, knee specialist, and physiotherapist. ACL surgery is completed by trauma and orthopaedic surgeons.

What if I choose not to have surgery, and the non-surgical options have not worked?

In some cases, conservative management does not always help your pain and mobility, and you may continue to feel pain and instability in your knee. If this happens, you can choose to have surgery to stabilise your knee or continue to manage without surgery. However, it is unlikely that your condition will get better on its own, and if you choose not to have surgery you could develop early onset osteoarthritis. If you still choose not to have surgery, it is important for you to continue your exercises regularly, to keep as much strength and stability in your leg as possible.

How do I care for my knee after my ACL injury?

How will I recover from my ACL injury?

Whether you choose to manage your injury conservatively (no surgery) or choose to have ACL reconstructive surgery, your rehabilitation after your ACL injury will:

Who will refer me for physiotherapy?

Your surgeon in Trauma and Orthopaedics (T&O) or knee specialist (Fracture Clinic) will refer you to physiotherapy, whether you are having ACL surgery or not.

You will have an appointment with a physiotherapist, and have the option to join our specialist ACL class. These classes will allow you to come to physiotherapy appointments more often, where we can support you to achieve your personal goals. The ACL classes are run by physiotherapists at the Physiotherapy Outpatient Department at William Harvey Hospital in Ashford, Kent and Canterbury hospital in Canterbury, and Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother hospital in Margate.

It is important for your recovery to make every effort to go to your physiotherapy appointments.

Your physiotherapist will guide you through the exercises that you need to complete at each appointment. To start with, the aim is to regain full active range of movement of your knee, and be able to walk without using a walking aid or limping. Your physiotherapist will be working with you to regain full and equal strength and balance in your injured leg, and building power and endurance with control so that you can achieve your personal goal.

I am waiting for ACL surgery, do I still need physiotherapy?

Yes, definitely.

Evidence shows that by taking part in physiotherapy and doing rehabilitation with physiotherapists before having any potential surgery, you will be more likely to return to sport after surgery. The stronger you are going in to surgery, the stronger you will be after surgery. Depending on whether you have injured other parts of your knee and the type of surgery that you may need, your surgeon may say that you can only partially or non-weight-bear after surgery, meaning you must limit how much weight you put through your injured leg after surgery. If this applies to you, physiotherapists will support you to build up your arm strength as well as strengthening your legs before surgery.

It is possible to injure the ACL in your other knee (see What can cause an ACL injury? section). Starting physiotherapy straight after any injury and after surgery can help prevent further injuries.

What exercises can I do when my ACL injury is diagnosed?

If you have had an ACL injury diagnosed you can start doing the exercises on the next page, as long as you have not been given specific instructions by a surgeon or knee specialist to not move your knee and / or weight-bear through your knee. If you have been told this, please wait until you have seen a physiotherapist before you start doing any exercises.

The aims of these exercises are to:

These first exercises aim to help you regain full active range of motion and keep a good blood flow after your injury. You need full range of movement to walk without limping and achieve your personal goals.

Start the exercises gently, increasing the stretch a little each time. Aim to practice each exercise:

Will these exercises hurt?

It is normal to feel sore during or the day after you exercise.

Pain scale
Pain scale

If 0/10 is no pain and 10/10 is the worst pain you have ever felt, any pain that you have up to 4/10 when you are doing these exercises or afterwards is acceptable. However, if your pain level increases above 4/10, or you have swelling during or immediately after exercise, please do the following until your pain is reduced and manageable.

You should not have to take more pain relief tablets to complete your exercises. If your pain is very high or unbearable, and you have not had recent surgery, please talk with a pharmacist or GP. If your pain is very high due to these exercises, please email the Physiotherapy Team. Please note this email account is not checked over the weekend and it may take 24 to 48 hours to get a reply. Once your pain has settled, gradually increase the number of repetitions, sets, or speed over time.


These exercises are shown with the model’s left knee. Please complete the exercises on whichever leg is injured. These exercises are for you to complete before any surgery that you may have. If you have already had ACL surgery, please go to Phase 1: week 0 to week 2 after surgery.

Heel slides exercise
Heel slides exercise

1.Heel slides

  • Lie down.

  • Gently slide your heel up and down, allowing your knee to bend and straighten as far as possible.

Knee sags exercise
Knee sags exercise

2.Knee sags

  • Sitting with your legs straight, place the injured leg’s heel on a cushion and let gravity pull the knee straight.

  • If comfortable, gently push on the knee to try and straighten it.

Static quads exercise
Static quads exercise

3.Static quads

  • Sit with your legs straight.

  • Gently tense and relax your thigh muscle, without moving your knee.

Ankle pumps exercise
Ankle pumps exercise

4.Ankle pumps

  • Sitting or lying down, quickly bend and straighten your ankles.

Once you have completed the following three points, you can move on to the strengthening exercises below.

  1. Achieved full range of movement of your knee (you can bend and straighten your injured knee as much as your un-injured side).

  2. Completed the exercises above, and are finding them easy to do.

  3. Have seen your knee specialist or physiotherapist who has given you the OK to start the strengthening exercises below.

Aim to practice each exercise:

Inner range quads exercise
Inner range quads exercise

1.Inner range quads

  • Sit with your legs straight out in front of you.

  • Place a cushion or rolled-up towel underneath your knee.

  • Tighten your thigh muscle, lifting your heel off the surface that you are on.

  • Press the back of your knee into the towel to lift your heel; do not try and lift your whole leg up.

Straight leg raises exercise
Straight leg raises exercise

2.Straight leg raises

  • Sit with your legs straight out in front of you.

  • Tighten your thigh muscle, and with a straight leg lift as shown in the picture. Try and lift your heel above your hip.

  • Slowly lower your leg back down. You can either do this exercise lying flat or sitting upright as the picture shows.

Quarter squat exercise
Quarter squat exercise

3.Quarter squat

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

  • Place your hands on your hips and keep your chest upright.

  • Slowly bend your knees a little. Return to the starting position.

Step up exercise
Step up exercise

4.Step ups

  • Leading with your injured leg, step up onto the step in a controlled manner. Try not to pull yourself up with your hands.

Hamstring curl exercise
Hamstring curl exercise

5.Hamstring curl

  • Lie on your front, with your head resting on your hands.

  • Bend your knee.

  • Slowly lower your leg back down.

Bridge exercise
Bridge exercise


  • Lie on your back with your knees bent.

  • Squeeze your bottom and lift up and slowly lower down.

Romanian deadlift exercise
Romanian deadlift exercise

7.Romanian deadlift

  • Stand with your feet hips width apart.

  • Keep your back straight, bend at your hips until you feel the backs of your thighs tighten.

  • Return to start position.

  • To progress with this exercise, add a small weight and increase as able.

Side lying leg lifting (hip abduction) exercise
Side lying leg lifting (hip abduction) exercise

8.Side lying leg lifting (hip abduction)

  • Lie on your side, keep your leg straight.

  • Lift up to the side approximately 5cm.

  • Return to start position.

Heel raise exercise
Heel raise exercise

9.Heel raise

  • Stand with your feet hip width apart.

  • Push up and down on to your toes.

Single leg balance exercise
Single leg balance exercise

10.Single leg balance

  • Stand on one leg.

  • Use the least support needed to keep your balance.

  • Hold for 30 seconds, and return your foot to the ground.

Cardiovascular exercise
Cardiovascular exercise

11.Cardiovascular exercise

  • Alongside the above exercises, when you have enough range of motion, you can start some light cycling on a static bike.

  • Start off with 5 minutes at an easy pace and aim to build up slowly as your fitness and knee allows.

  • You could also use a cross trainer or go swimming.

What happens during ACL reconstructive surgery?

Surgery may be recommended if, after your best efforts with rehabilitation your knee continues to give way, feels unstable, or you are unable to return to your normal activities. You may also have other symptoms from other injuries such as pain and recurrent swelling, or locking or catching of your knee. If this is the case, surgery may help.

The second half of this booklet explains ACL surgery, and guides you through the rehabilitation needed after your surgery. Although surgery may be recommended, it is your choice whether to proceed with surgery. Remember you can withdraw your consent for treatment at any time.

What is ACL reconstructive surgery?

ACL surgery is a keyhole procedure known as an arthroscopy. It is usually performed as a day case under a general anaesthetic (you are asleep for the procedure).

Two small incisions (cuts) are made just below and either side of the knee cap. In most operations, the ligament needs to be re-built (reconstructed) as only a small number are suitable for repair. For the ligament to be reconstructed, a graft is needed. This graft can either be a tendon that is taken from yourself (known as an autograft) or someone else (known as an allograft).

ACL reconstructive surgery: graft and screw in place
ACL reconstructive surgery: graft and screw in place

Most ACL reconstructive surgery is done using an autograft, so another incision will be made either on the same leg, the opposite leg, or both. If using an autograft, this can either be from your hamstring on your injured leg or your opposite leg. Or your surgeon may choose to use a patella graft, which is from the front of your knee. The graft is then threaded through the tibia (shin bone) and up into the thigh bone (femur) through the middle of your knee (as shown in the diagram). It is secured in place with either an absorbable or non-absorbable screw in the shin bone and a button or screw on the thigh bone.

How successful is ACL reconstructive surgery?

How long does it take to recover from ACL reconstructive surgery?

Recovery after having ACL reconstructive surgery depends on a number of things, including the following.

Your rehabilitation after surgery will be guided by the knee surgeon, knee specialist, and a physiotherapist. Your return to sport will be determined by the factors listed above, and whether you engage in your physiotherapy rehabilitation.

As recommended by your consultants and surgeons, you cannot fully return to sports until at least 12 months after your surgery. Evidence shows that patients have better outcomes if return to sports is delayed beyond 12 months.

What are the risks of having ACL reconstructive surgery?

Risks or complications can happen with any surgery. After ACL surgery there is particular concern with the following types of problems.

If you have concerns about any of the risks listed above, please speak to your surgeon.

What should I do after ACL surgery?

Following your surgery you will be given elbow crutches to help you walk, and your surgeon will tell you whether you are allowed to:

You must follow your surgeon’s guidance.

You will be seen by a physiotherapist on the ward, who will make sure you are able to walk safely with your elbow crutches. For further information on how to use your crutches, please ask a member of staff for a copy of the Trust’s Using crutches leaflet.

You must ice your operated knee daily to reduce the swelling, this will help you to regain full movement in your knee. For further information, please ask a member of staff for a copy of the Trust’s Ice treatment leaflet.

Will I have a follow-up appointment?

You should be given an outpatient physiotherapy appointment within two weeks of your surgery. If not, please contact the Physiotherapy Central Booking Office on 01227 783065.

You will have an appointment with a physiotherapist to review your knee and progress your exercises after surgery. During this appointment you will be offered the chance to either join a specialist ACL rehabilitation class which is run by physiotherapists, or if you are unable or not keen on attending the class you can have on-going 1:1 appointments with a physiotherapist instead.

You will also have a follow-up appointment with your consultant or knee specialist. If you do not have an appointment booked after surgery, please contact the relevant Fracture Clinic (their contact details are on the final page of this booklet).

When can I start my exercises after surgery?

You must start the exercises marked Phase 1 below before your physiotherapy appointment. These exercises are safe to do.

Please note, if you have been given a brace to wear or are have been told that you cannot put full weight through your operated leg, you cannot complete all the exercises in Phase 1.

The following exercises are designed to help you regain full range of movement, and maintain good blood flow in your legs following your surgery.

Phase 1: week 0 to week 2 after surgery

You may be given and advised to wear a brace after your ACL surgery. The brace will limit how far you can bend or straighten your knee. If you have been given a brace after ACL surgery, please only do the following four exercises until you have seen your physiotherapist.

Ankle pumps exercise
Ankle pumps exercise

1.Ankle pumps

  • Sitting or lying down, quickly bend and straighten your ankles.

Quadricep (quads) and hamstring co-contraction exercise
Quadricep (quads) and hamstring co-contraction exercise

2.Quadricep (quads) and hamstring co-contraction (contracting the quadriceps (front thigh muscles) and the hamstrings (muscles at the back of the thigh) at the same time).

  • Bend your knee over a pillow or rolled-up towel.

  • Push your heel into the floor, and push your knee down into the pillow. Keep the pressure on the heel. Do not move your knee.

  • Hold for 5 seconds.

  • Repeat 10 times.

Prone hip extension exercise
Prone hip extension exercise

3.Prone hip extension

  • Lay on your front, with your head supported on your arms or a pillow.

  • Lift your leg up towards the ceiling.

Side lying abduction exercise
Side lying abduction exercise

4.Side lying abduction

  • Lay on your side, keeping your injured leg straight. Bend your uninjured leg.

  • Lift your injured leg up to the side by approximately 5cm.

  • Lower your leg to your start position.

Heel slides exercise
Heel slides exercise

5.Heel slides

Only do this exercise if you are not wearing a brace and have been told that you can fully weight bear after surgery.

  • Lay on your back.

  • Gently slide your heel up and down the bed or floor, bending and straightening your knee.

If you are not wearing a brace and are allowed to fully weight bear through your operated leg after surgery, please also complete the next four exercises.

Quarter squat exercise
Quarter squat exercise

1.Quarter squat

Only do this exercise if you are not wearing a brace and have been told that you can fully weight bear after surgery.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

  • Place your hands on your hips, keep your chest upright.

  • Slowly bend your knees a little.

  • Return to your start position.

Heel raise exercise
Heel raise exercise

2a. Heel raise

Only do this exercise if you are not wearing a brace and have been told that you can fully weight bear after surgery.

  • Stand with your feet hip width apart.

  • Push up and down on to your toes

Single-leg heel raise: progression exercise
Single-leg heel raise: progression exercise

2b. Single-leg heel raise: progression

  • Stand on one leg.

  • Use the least support needed to keep your balance.

  • Hold for 30 seconds, then lower your leg to the floor.

  • When this exercise becomes easy, progress to doing it balancing on one leg.

One leg stand exercise
One leg stand exercise

3.One leg stand

Only do this exercise if you are not wearing a brace and have been told that you can fully weight bear after surgery.

  • Stand on one leg.

  • Use the least support needed to keep your balance.

  • Hold for 30 seconds, then lower your leg to the floor.

Phase 2 (on average 2 to 6 weeks after surgery)

Your physiotherapist will tell you when you can start the following exercises. Please do not start these exercises before seeing your physiotherapist.

Hamstring curl exercise
Hamstring curl exercise

1.Hamstring curl

  • Lie on your front, with your head resting on your hands.

  • Bend you knee.

  • Slowly lower back down.

Bridge exercise
Bridge exercise


  • Lie on your back with your knees bent.

  • Squeeze your bottom and lift up and slowly lower down.

  • When this exercise becomes easy, progress to using one leg only.

Wall squats exercise
Wall squats exercise

3.Wall squats

  • Stand leaning against a wall.

  • Slide down the wall, keeping your heels on the floor.

  • Push yourself back up to your starting point.

Step up exercise
Step up exercise

4.Step ups

  • Step up and down on one step

Useful contact details