Active exercises for your thumb

Information for patients from the Orthopaedic Hand Service

The following exercises should not be painful, but they may feel slightly uncomfortable as your fingers and hand stretch. 

Exercise 1

  1. 35-1689922414.jpg
    Exercise 1a
  2. 36-1689922424.jpg
    Exercise 1b
  3. 35-1689922423.jpg
    Exercise 1c

Exercise 2

  1. flat-hand-1689922563.jpg
    Exercise 2a
  2. flat-hand-thumb-away-1689922556.jpg
    Exercise 2b
  3. flat-hand-1689922567.jpg
    Exercise 2c

Exercise 3

  1. flat-hand-on-side-1689922630.jpg
    Exercise 3a
  2. flat-hand-thumb-sideways-1689922637.jpg
    Exercise 3b
  3. flat-hand-on-side-1689922633.jpg
    Exercise 3c

Exercise 4

Exercise 4

Place your hand on its side. Hold your fingers out of the way, and make a big circle with your thumb for one minute.

Exercise 5a

  1. 45-1689922768.jpg
    Exercise 5a
  2. 46-1689922763.jpg
    Exercise 5a
  3. 47-1689922756.jpg
    Exercise 5a
  4. 48-1689922753.jpg
    Exercise 5a

Exercise 5b

Exercise 5b

What if I have any questions or concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your treatment, please call the Physiotherapy Department on 01227 783065.